Visual-spatial skills help us rotate objects and understand spatial relations. This packet will challenge your client to learn effective strategies to manipulate visually and spatially compare objects mentally. The first exercise will challenge their ability to place themselves in relation to critical objects on a map. Next, they will have to label a hand in motion appropriately. They will then have to use their visual separation skills to break apart a series of images to uncover the hidden objects within an entangled figure. The last exercise will combine all three skills engaged in the packet. Your patient will have to study a series of images and uncover which image is the reflection of the others.
This packet is great to use with children. It is perfect to use with kids who are not reading or reading. Individuals who struggle to tell apart their left and right hand will find the packet helpful. This packet is also ideal for lower-functioning individuals. The packet will leave everyone feeling they had fun and accomplished a semi-difficult task.
Included inside: 16 worksheets and bridging questions.