Our bridging workbooks are designed to help build life skills. In this bridging workbook, your patient will go grocery shopping. They will have to categorize the items they need to buy based on categories. Next, they must navigate the grocery store. Your patient must determine where each item is located within the store. The goal is to teach them how to plan their trip effectively.
Lastly, they will have to calculate the grocery bill. This section is broken into a couple of different segments.
- The first segment is simple multiplication skills to determine how much they spend on each item.
- The second segment is division skills to determine how much each type they can buy.
- The third segment is applying discounts to items they are buying.
- And the last second is totaling the entire bill.
After completing this packet, your patient may have a better understanding of what cognitive skills they need to implement to grocery shop. This packet will be great for students ages 10+, individuals working on life skills, and anyone who wants to build better grocery shopping skills.