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Our paying bills life skills workbook is meticulously designed to cultivate practical knowledge and competence in handling financial responsibilities, ensuring a seamless transition to independent living. In this workbook, embark on a transformative journey towards mastering the art of paying bills. Through engaging exercises, learn how to identify, organize, and pay bills accurately and efficiently. From understanding billing statements to managing due dates, these activities offer invaluable insights into the fundamental aspects of financial responsibility.

Practical Application of Life Skills:

Discover how our workbook bridges our cognitive activities with real-life applications. By immersing yourself in these practical exercises, your client will see how our digital exercises will help them manage various life skills. From creating a budget to tracking expenses and setting financial goals, each activity is thoughtfully curated to empower you with the knowledge and skills needed to successfully navigate the complexities of personal finance.

Bridging Digital and Real-Life Skills:

See how digital exercises like Secret Files, Embroidery, Ready, Steady, Count, and Elephant Memory are used in this real-world activity. This workbook suits students aged 10 and above. Given that, individuals focusing on life skills development and anyone seeking to enhance their ability to manage their finances will enjoy this workbook. Lastly, it caters to diverse audiences with varied learning objectives. Additionally, it is a great resource to show your client how and why practicing cognitive skills is effective.

Included inside: 17 pages of life skills related to paying your bills, bridging questions, and an answer key.

Given that fun information, unleash the power of our bridging workbook. Explore our comprehensive collection today of life skill bridging workbooks today! →


Don’t let this packet fool you! Easy turns hard quickly in this language-challenging packet. Language is an essential cognitive function for communication. It can be hard to express our needs without the ability to communicate. Our goal for this packet is to challenge your clients working language skills. In this packet, your client will work on sorting skills, verbal recall, and inferring skills. 

In this packet, your client must use their sorting skills and verbal recall in a series of printed Pay Attention exercises. Embroidery will challenge your client’s attention to detail and scanning skills to find the typos in famous quotes.  This Story is Full of Blanks will challenge your client’s inferrer skills as they use context clues to fill in the blanks properly. Seize the Keywords in this packet is a multi-dimension challenge. It starts off by having your client label the different parts of speech from within a sentence. Then it will challenge your client’s ability to memorize different parts of speech. 

This packet has parts for all ages, but we highly recommend it for 6th graders and older.  Your Senior clients will love the challenges it provides, and anyone who loves correcting English will love this packet as well! 

Included inside: 27 worksheets and bridging questions.


Verbal Focus and Recall are the focus of this fun packet of worksheets. Your patients will have 35 unique pages of language-based exercises that may help with these skills. This packet will start by warming up their attention and sorting skills with some fun Private Eye and Hurray for Change exercises. After they complete those two segments, the harder verbal focus and recall exercises will begin. Your patient will decode a box of letters to find what word is embroidered within the grid. Verbal attention and verbal recall are challenged with these Embroidery exercises. Lastly, your patient will have to solve some Writing in the Stars exercises. Writing in the Stars will challenge your patient’s verbal processing, verbal attention, and verbal planning skills. 

We recommend this packet for kids aged 8+ and individuals who want to work on their verbal skills. 

Included inside: 35 worksheets and bridging questions.


Challenge your patient’s visual scanning and semantic memory in this mini packet! Your client must scan the letter grid to determine what word is hidden within the grid. These worksheets are printable versions of our digital exercise, Embroidery. As your client progresses, the hints will decrease, and the difficulty of the words will increase. This entire packet is around the theme of objects found within the ocean.

This packet will be great for individuals looking to challenge their ability to use their visual scanning ability and draw information and conclude what words are presented. Use this within your post-stroke support groups, inside of your classrooms of middle schoolers, or as an earth day activity to do with your patients.

Include inside: 10 worksheets, answer keys, and bridging questions.


Are you looking for language activities for dementia patients? Language is a complex cognitive skill. It involves executive functioning, memory, and visual and auditory processing skills. Sometimes, people with dementia struggle with one or more aspects of language, such as word retrieval. That is why we developed this packet. We wanted to create a packet to help improve language skills that are often inhibited in individuals with dementia.

In this workbook, we have provided 4 exercises that target different cognitive skills involved in language skills. We have a verbal memory exercise, Words, Where are you? We have a visual attention exercise, Private Eye. Additionally, we have a word-categorizing activity, Secret Files, and lastly, a language-inferring activity, Embroidery.

This packet will be great to be used for seniors, anyone looking for printable activities for dementia patients, or anyone looking for language-based activities. If you love this packet, we highly recommend you try our digital program. Each one of these exercises is even better on the digital program. 


Included inside: 13 worksheets and bridging questions.


Use the worksheets in this packet to help practice inference skills. Your patient must use their semantic memory, visual attention, and verbal processing skills to complete the exercises in this packet. We’ve used exercises like Writing in the Stars and Embroidery to help your patient work on verbal inference skills. Basketball in NY works on sequencing inferring skills. Our last activity, Decipher, is our ultimate decoding and inferring task. If your patient loves this packet, they will enjoy our digital program!

This packet is great for students in 5th grade or older. Individuals who want to work on their language skills after a stroke. Or anyone who wants to try decoding these fun language exercises.


Included inside: 12 language worksheets and bridging questions.


Are you looking for practical verbal fluency activities tailored specifically for aphasia patients? Look no further! Verbal fluency is a multifaceted cognitive skill encompassing executive functioning, memory retention, and visual and auditory processing abilities. For individuals grappling with aphasia, verbal fluency can present significant challenges, expressed as difficulties in word retrieval, sentence comprehension, or word selection. To address these hurdles head-on, we’ve meticulously curated an inclusive verbal fluency packet designed specifically for aphasia patients.

Unlock the Potential:

Inside this packet, you’ll discover a treasure trove of seven meticulously crafted worksheets, each strategically designed to foster verbal fluency in aphasia patients. Individuals can navigate their linguistic challenges with confidence and resilience through engaging exercises and thought-provoking bridging questions. For those familiar with our Root it Out or Embroidery exercises, this packet offers a seamless transition to our digital tool, providing continuity and additional opportunities for practice and growth.

Tailored Support for Aphasia Patients:

Whether you’re a speech therapist seeking practical tools for aphasia intervention or an individual navigating the complexities of verbal fluency, our packet serves as a beacon of support and empowerment. Our tailored aphasia-focused activities unlock the potential for improved verbal fluency and enhanced cognitive resilience. Our comprehensive packet is a versatile resource suitable for various settings, including warm-up sessions, group therapy, or one-on-one interactions. With a focus on inclusivity, this packet caters to individuals aged 8 and above, ensuring accessibility across diverse age groups.

Include inside: 7 worksheets and bridging questions.

Discover More:

Explore our extensive collection of aphasia-focused resources and embark on a transformative journey toward improved verbal fluency and communication skills. →

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