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Visual-spatial skills help us rotate objects and understand spatial relations. This packet will challenge your client to learn effective strategies to manipulate visually and spatially compare objects mentally. The first exercise will challenge their ability to place themselves in relation to critical objects on a map. Next, they will have to label a hand in motion appropriately. They will then have to use their visual separation skills to break apart a series of images to uncover the hidden objects within an entangled figure. The last exercise will combine all three skills engaged in the packet. Your patient will have to study a series of images and uncover which image is the reflection of the others.

This packet is great to use with children. It is perfect to use with kids who are not reading or reading. Individuals who struggle to tell apart their left and right hand will find the packet helpful. This packet is also ideal for lower-functioning individuals. The packet will leave everyone feeling they had fun and accomplished a semi-difficult task.

Included inside: 16 worksheets and bridging questions.


Does your patient love to be in the garden or outside? Does the sight of butterflies and bugs bring them joy? If so, download this fun and engaging visual attention worksheet packet. This completely non-verbal packet will help build anyone’s attention and executive function skills.

This packet starts by challenging your patient’s ability to spot the difference in a bug-themed Private Eye activity. The next activity will be the dance of the bugs. Each bug will dance a specific pattern in a sea of bugs. Your patient will have to figure out which bug is dancing which dance. This activity uses attention, executive function, and deductive reasoning skills. The following exercise group involves attention and deciphering skills when your patient has to figure out which piece is missing from which bug. Your patient must study the potential pieces and determine which will solve the broken butterfly. Finally, the last exercise section will use their fine motor and attention skills. Catch the ladybug becomes printable and colorful in these last activities. Your patient will have to ignore the additional bugs to find all of the ladybugs in the images.

In this packet, you will be challenged to complete attention-based skills. You will practice staying on task, finding anomalies in a set of information, recognizing patterns, and comparing and contrasting objects. This packet is an excellent workout for your frontal lobe. This packet will be great for preschoolers to seniors. Anyone who loves summer or bugs will enjoy this packet as well.

Included inside: 18 worksheets and bridging questions.


Embark on a thrilling journey to the untamed landscapes of the wild, wild West! Test your memory and recall abilities as you navigate through images and their locations on a grid inspired by America’s frontier. This engaging exercise challenges participants to utilize their spatial memory skills and attention to remember the placement of various objects amidst the rugged terrain.

Drawing inspiration from our digital exercise, “Objects Where Are You,” this mini activity enhances visual-spatial memory recall—a skill essential for everyday tasks such as recalling objects in familiar surroundings. Whether you’re preparing for a trip out west or simply honing your memory skills, this exercise provides a stimulating opportunity to sharpen cognitive abilities.

This mini-activity promises excitement and mental stimulation, ideal for individuals aged 4 and above, as well as adults with a penchant for the Wild West. Challenge your seniors to join in the fun and experience the thrill of the frontier in a whole new way!

Inside this mini, you’ll find a captivating 6 visual-spatial memory recall exercises and engaging bridging questions. Step into the shoes of a pioneer and embark on a memorable journey through the wild, wild West today!

Check out our collection of other Objects, Where are You worksheets → 


Mental movement is a complex cognitive skill needed to plan things out. It helps with visual-spatial skills and the ability to organize information, make mental-visual comparisons, and overall decisions based upon order or comparison.

In this worksheet, we’re providing you with 4 exercises to use with your clients to practice strategies related to mental movement, whether mentally moving a ball from one hoop to another or remembering where objects are placed. You are using language clues and space markers to solve a sentence. Or even mentally reflecting on a pattern, this packet has all that and more. Your client will be exposed to different task requirements, all sharing the underlying component of mentally moving objects.

This worksheet challenges: working memory, attention, visual-spatial skills, and language.

Included inside: 19 worksheets and bridging questions


Information retention and recall are essential for everyday tasks. In this packet, your client will be challenged with tasks that will help them remember the locations of words and objects and recall orders and names. The exercises in this packet will target their verbal memory, spatial memory, working memory, and word association.  They will start the packet with their verbal and spatial memory challenged with a Words, Where are You? exercise. Next, they will have to recall orders of a group of people at a Restaurant. Then they will get a short break from words as they just have to recall the shapes from one page to the next. Finally, they will have to recall people’s names. This worksheet is helpful for anyone who would like to improve and adapt their strategies for memory.

Included inside: 15 pages and bridging questions.


These spatial awareness worksheets will help your patient practice mentally rotating objects and understanding spatial relations. Our Sleight of Hands exercise allows you to have a printable version comparing left and right hands. Your client will be challenged to learn effective strategies to manipulate and compare objects mentally. These are great printable spatial awareness worksheets to add to your collection. To increase the bridging aspect, we recommend you have your client construct a figure using blocks like the examples in Turn Around, and Around.

This packet is great for non-English speakers, children, individuals who have had a stroke, or anyone looking to improve their spatial awareness skills.

Included inside: 12 pages and bridging questions.


Visuospatial skills help us rotate objects and understand spatial relations. If you are looking for fun and intricate visuospatial exercises, this is the printable worksheet packet. Using this workbook, your client will be challenged to learn effective strategies to manipulate and compare objects mentally. You will love the digital version if you think Turn Around and Around is a challenge in this packet. We love the visuospatial exercise we offer in our digital program.

For a bridging activity to supplement this worksheet, have your client construct a figure using blocks.

Included inside: 20 worksheets and bridging activities.

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